My student loans will be consolidated befoe the big hike! I am going to be paying about $175 less a month too. NICE!
Running last night I did 1.5 miles again (I played tennis right before I ran so I was sore and tired already, leave me alone!) and when I was done my right leg sort of hurt. It started hurting more, so I iced it, and it was doing alright, now this morning it's still a little sore, but I don't think it'll be the end of the world. It's right below the right calf but above the achilles tendon area, so who knows, but I wont be running tonight anyway, so maybe Saturday it'll be good enough to run on again.
Running last night I did 1.5 miles again (I played tennis right before I ran so I was sore and tired already, leave me alone!) and when I was done my right leg sort of hurt. It started hurting more, so I iced it, and it was doing alright, now this morning it's still a little sore, but I don't think it'll be the end of the world. It's right below the right calf but above the achilles tendon area, so who knows, but I wont be running tonight anyway, so maybe Saturday it'll be good enough to run on again.