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Tuesday, August 29, 2006 

On edge

I'm a bit on edge here until my life gets back to a semi-coasting situation :-) With getting the new job comes switching of money coming in and going out and I'm waiting to see how that plays out, that's nerve-wracking. I am switching banks right now too because I hate my bank and it's very inconvenient and it's not in my hometown and this bank I'm switching too is going to be great, and it's right next door to where I'm working. But that involves setting up accounts, switching automatic withdrawals, setting up direct deposit, etc, and so hopefully those accounts will be set up on Thursday by Veronica (I can't because I'm in frickin' WDM) and then I'll have those account numbers to switch everything around, because also in the middle of this I consolidated my student loans and those are taking effect in September and so I want to set up autodebit with them right away so I don't have to worry abou that either.

Sometimes it feels a bit overwhelming, but more in the sense that I could easily forget something, or easily mess something important in my life up. And I'm trying to wrap up everything at work here.

Just a little anxiety going on is all. So I've been reading and what not all your blogs, but I'm not commenting much, and then come Sept. 11, I wont be doing anything on the internet unless it's at home, so my blogging and commenting and e-mailing and such will be cut down dramatically!

wait...no more internetting at work?


i kid.

Thinking about you Lars and hope you're well. Just keep thinking how much closer you'll be to work -- all that savings in gas alone! And all that much more time you can spend at the theater doing your next musical!

Did you start your new job? How do you like it?

So.... you have fallen over the edge & can't get to the computer?

Hey, get off the edge, and tell us how your job is going?

O Lars, Lars! wherefore art thou Lars?
Deny thy readers and refuse thy blog;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn to write,
And I'll no longer be in Cyberspace.

Lars Lars lo lars banana banna bo bars fee fi fo fars, Oh Lars...

Did you forget how to work a computer? LOL.

Hey - Iowa Geek's had their baby! :)

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