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Monday, May 15, 2006 


Last night we moved into the theatre! It just adds so much to actually be in the performance space, up on the stage with the lights and the ambiance. I am very happy with how the show is coming together. We have 17 days until performance, and there is DEFINITLY still work to be done, but it's all so exciting! We're actually doing it, it's coming together, it's running smoother. We're starting tech rehearsals (mics, lights, sfx, etc.) and soon dress rehearsals and from Tuesday on out we have rehearsals with the orchestra!!

That will be SO much fun to have the orchestra under us, yet at the same time so nerve-wracking. Because if we get off on the counting or beats our piano player can just catch up or slow down, however, the entier orchestra will not be able to bend and mold to us, we have to do it right. We have to come in on the right beats. And these songs are NOT easy. I've said this before, and if you know music and Into the Woods, you know how difficult Sondheim is. I have a few songs I need to jump in on like the and of 4 and another time on the and of 3 during a vamp while I'm delivering lines so I can't really lend my ear to hearing the vamp, it's all hard and all confusing to explain. Sorry, just rambling away.

BUT!!! We have a orchestra pianist now!!! The show CAN go on. Well, almost. We need a percussionist, or we're in trouble. We can do without the other things we're missing (though we'd rather not) but we need a percussionist.

We're getting closer though, and it's all so exciting!!

This sounds really exciting! We're creeping closer to production too -- I'm trying to tighten up my part as much as possible so there's less work at the end. Have to admit I'm starting to get scared though. How do you overcome the fear of forgetting your lines?

it will all come together and sound wonderful...

Oh there's no way to forget the fear of losing your lines!! At least, not for me. That's part of the adrenaline rush for me I guess. If it happens, it happens, and hopefully you have good enough scene partners that they can help get it back on track, or vice versa if one of them forgets.

When I'm waiting by my entrance I'm the most nervous I'll EVER be, but as soon as I get out there I'm usually pretty darn good and smooth and it feels good.

But I never get over worrying about my lines, I guess it keep me on my toes!


oh and my blog is back.

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