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Friday, May 26, 2006 

Missing my Euphonium

I played a bad boy like this from 5th grade through my senior year of college. Ok, so 5th grade-high school I wasn't playing as shiny of an instrument, and it was not a four-valve, but college I was playing a beauty like that.

I got one for Christmas from my parents 3 or 4 years back and I haven't drug it out to play it that much, and it has a sticky valve (got a non-brand off eBay, guess I get what I pay for) and so I need to take it into Reiman or some place and have it worked on. But MAN I miss playing!

We had one kick ass band in high school (1's at every level of competition) and an even kick ass-er band in college. We played some heavy duty stuff and it was the time of my life. Band/Choir/Theatre at college was just the best! I live for those activities, and to have band/choir rehearsals everyday for an hour each, and then most times go to theatre rehearsal at the end of the day for hours and hour was the life! Staying in the dorm with my best buddies and eat at "the rot" as much food as I could shove in my stomach...fantastic.

But sometimes that big band, beautiful sound we made...I miss it.

Hopefully tonight I'll be able to drag out the 'ol "euphie" and play some...afterall, I don't have ITW rehearsal tonight.

And V's mom and dad and brother are coming from Washington tomorrow for a week!!! Excited!! Then NEXT Saturday her sister and her husband come in and stay for a week!! And I get Monday off, then go to work Tues and Wed. then take Thursday and Friday off then the entire next week off...THAT, my friends, is exciting!

Funny you mentioned the whole 'band' thing as NatureGirl just had her "testing" this week at school for what she will go out for next year in 5th grade band. Her top choices were clarinet, percussion, flute, french horn and English horn. There are almost no English horns, and they didn't have any french horns to test on - so her 'test' was with clarinet and flute basically. She came home and announced she will be taking the flute.

As Mom (me) and big sister have also done flute... I was quite happy to see another Coffeekid following in my footsteps (although I didn't actually say anything at all or push her that direction!) I actually was excited about her doing clarinet... but she announced that she didn't like blowing through a 'reed' and she excelled on the flute.


While surfing blogs I came across another "stage" blog;


2 americans living and acting on stage in london. Thought you might be interested.

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