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Wednesday, May 24, 2006 


Last night went HORRIBLE. HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!

Grrr, it just really knocks you down when you fuck up and do a horrible job at rehearsal. It was generally a rough, off night for everyone, three of us stopped during our solo songs and just BLANKED and had to get help from the conductor to get back on track. It just knocks you on your ass. I've lost virtually all confidence at this point, at least until I can do it without messing up. And it's on "No More" the song I've NEVER messed up. I love that song, it's my bread and butter. Grrrr....and I know I can get on track, and immediately after I said the wrong words I knew I had said the wrong words, but for some reason it just left and I just needed help, I guess. But then, last night it happened to Baker's Wife and to the Witch, the exact same thing. It must have been just one of those bad nights you have. I try not to let it get to me too much. In fact, I'm rarin' to go again tonight and get a good night under my belt again. We're running the entire show tonight, which rocks my world.

I love rehearsals, I love performing the Baker. I'm excited as hell for performances.

Meritt, I think I didn't mention in my nervous post that if I'm NOT nervous, then something is wrong! I need to be nervous to be on my toes and keyed up and tuned in. If I'm not nervous, then I'm nervous that I'm not nervous. But man is it hard to take all this nervous energy sometimes, it'll drive you nuts this feeling will sometimes!

Oh, there is still quite a ways to go for ITW, makes me a tad nervous, but shows ALWAYS come together, and this one will too. We're on the cusp of being great, and we'll get there, I know we will.

The program should be printed up today, it's nice to have that done. There's only one problem with it and I don't know how to fix it, so I guess we're stuck with that.

Into the woods,
It's time to go,
It may be all
In vain, I know.
Into the woods-
But even so,
I have to take the journey.

Into the woods,
The path is straight,
I know it well,
But who can tell-

Into the woods to lift the spell-

Into the woods to visit Mother-

Into the woods to fetch the things-

To make the potion-

To got to the Festival-

Into the woods
Without regret,
The choice is made,
The task is set.
Into the woods,
But not forget-
Ting why I'm on the journey.
(Little Red Riding hood Joins)
Into the woods
to get my wish,
I don't care how,
The time is now.

Into the woods to sell the cow-

Into the woods to get the money-

Into the woods to lift the spell-

To make the potion-

To go to the Festival-

Into the woods to Grandmother's house...
Into the woods to Grandmother's house...

The way is clear,
The light is good,
I have no fear,
No no one should.
The woods are just trees,
The trees are just wood.
No need to be afraid there-

There's something in the glade there...

Into the woods,
Without delay,
But careful no
To lose the way.
Into the woods,
Who knows what may
Be lurking on the journey?

Into the woods
To get the thing
That makes it worth
The lourneying.
into the owwds-

To see the King-

To sell the cow-

To make the potion-

To see-
To sell-
To get-
To bring-
To make-
To lift-
To go to the Festival-!

Into the woods!
Into the woods!
Into the woods,
Then out of the woods,
And home before dark!

I know! I know! Tell me all about it! Our rehearsal went OK last night, though the choreography is diabolical for the second act. I kept tripping over myself, Despard, and Robin. What a bunch of dancing gorillas!

It'll be fine though -- try to laugh it off and move forward. Everyone tells me it all comes together at the last minute. You feed off the energy of the audience and go to center.

At least that's what they keep telling me every time I have a mental breakdown. I blanked out on the same f'in line last night while I was learning my steps.

I feel your pain. Hang in there. Take a Pepcid for your tummy and chill. :o) Hugs, BB

So is it bad that when I am reading the words of the song I am singing along with it? It iwll all come together - really it will.

Fantastagirl - very cool :-) I like it when people know Into the Woods :-)

Thanks blueblanket! I know you know what I'm going through :-) It's all good, it'll be fine, I hope, just jitters and worrying. When you mess up it's hard to imagine it not happening again.

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