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Thursday, December 01, 2005 


My great Aunt Arlette passed away on Saturday and we attended the funeral yesterday. It was very sad to see her go. She was such a good, faithful woman. She was 79. She had a stroke in 72, then was diagonsed with spasmodic somethingorother which made her head shake constantly if she didn't hold on to it. She didn't let it get her down though.

It'll be sad to go to family christmas this year and not see her there enjoying all the family and her kids and her grandkids.

I lost my Great Aunt last year and it really hit home as she was one of the 'first' of my relatives to pass on. I guess this means we have reached adulthood huh? We will start saying 'goodbye' to our eldery family members. It's a rough part of 'growing up' even if we know it's part of the 'circle of life'.

Sorry for your loss... 72 seems young doesn't it? My Great-Uncle Don's funeral was on Tuesday..he died the day after Thanksgiving. In our family it usually goes in threes... So I am just holding my breath, not wanting the phone to ring...

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