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Wednesday, December 15, 2004 


As I mentioned in Meritt's blog I was going to talk about sleeping and me.

It's crazy really.

I can sleep through most anything, this is a fact. Storms? Eh, don't bother me. Traffic noise? No problem

That is, as long as I"m already asleep. I can't stand going to sleep with noise all over the place, it distracts me and I have a hard enough time going to sleep in the first place.

I"m one of those people that can take hours to go to sleep, it doesn't turn out that way, but it feels like it. If V is watching TV in the living room and I can hear it? Takes forever. But it just in general takes forever...

There's so much to think about for one. For two, I can NOT get comfortable. It's just insane. I am on my side, then my arm hurts, so I move to my back, well that's not comfortable for more than 2 minutes, so I'm on my other side, then my side with my legs up, then on my stomach, then other side with legs curled up and arm behind head, then repeat cycle again and again and again. Oh, then I'm hot, but if I uncover my legs (I only sleep in boxers and a t-shirt) then my bare legs are too cold, but if I put pants on then my legs are too hot. Cover up my legs but not my upper body, cold, cover my whole self, too hot, cover just my upper body but not my legs, legs too cold. Repeat, rinse, wash...it's never ending, I can see where my daughter gets it from. Last night she found her way into our bed and I woke up a couple times with feet in my face!

Now that's just me GETTING to sleep, talk about me getting awake!

That is a battle of self will.

I will NOT get up, I hate it, I hate mornings, despise them greatly. No matter when I go to bed I am too tired to wake up, or my nose is stuffed, or my throat is dry or both or all. The alarm is annoying but not annoying enough to wake me up enough because I know exactly where the snooze is and I hit that sucker lightning fast! If I move my alarm clock to across the room, still get it turned off and fall right back into bed, sometimes just at the end of the bed because that's all the power I have, it doesn't matter where as long as I can go back to sleep.

When I was in high school I would have to get up early to go in for Chamber Choir so my parents would wake me up when they leave, which was usually around 6:30 am. They would yell up the stairs at me. Now keep in mind it's my room then the break for the stairs, then the bathroom. So they would yell, "LARS GET UP..." numerous times then finally, "LARS I AM NOT LEAVING UNTIL I SEE YOU WALK AROSS TO THE BATHROOM." So for some reason I feel compassion for my parents and make them feel better by walking across so they see me (I don't know why but I always seemed to do what my parents asked me, what a loser I was!). And as soon as they see me, they do indeed leave, and I get a towel for my shower and lay it in a pile on the cold linolium bathroom floor and lay down using it as a pillow to go back to sleep.

Now sometimes they would want to hear the water running, so I could play that game too, I would turn on the water, lock the door and go back to sleep. Like I said, it doesn't matter where I'm sleeping in the morning after something wakes me up, as long as I get to go back to sleep. Surprisingly enough I was rarely late for chamber choir.

Now to school when I DIDN'T have chamber choir? Oh yeah, I was always late. Or I'd make it on time by putting clothes on but not showering, hey, whatever compromise needed to be made so I could avoid having to work that time off.

See, we didn't have "detention" so to speak. We had time we had to work off with some teacher doing god knows what for them to make up the time we were late. I can't remember the ratio of minutes late to time penalized, but I don't think it was an even 1:1.

To this day I can NOT get up for anything. I am constantly going 80 MPH to work to try and make it on time. I never eat breakfast at home, I never get to have a decent morning to take my time, I wish I did, I do...but...nope.

This week I've even been setting my alarm for 6:10 am to try and wake up and have a bowl of cereal and watch a show or something, but that never happens. I'm always rolling out of bed at 7 am and saying "SHIT! Now I don't have time to do anything." It sucks...

That was probably a really boring read if you made it all the way down to here, but it seems like all of my posts are, I don't get 6 or 10 comments per post, I don't have very many loyal readers, but those of you I do have...thanks for hanging in there. I was tempted to stop blogging, but I met a really great friend this way, and hey, it gives me something to do, some place to write, even if it's not always witty ;-)

This post made me smile.
Sleeping the cold hard floor with your towel. Man, you must really looooove to sleep.
I like to sleep too, but if I wake up - that's it. I'm UP. Brain is in high gear the second I get out of that REM stage. Ha.

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