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Tuesday, December 14, 2004 

Someone Has to Know...

where my shaver went. Has anyone seen it? My poor face looks like crap right now because I can't find my electric razor to shave all this junk off. Well...all but the "caterpillar" as it's referred to. :-) I love it so much, it's that thing on me right now that no one BUT me likes. Well, occasionally I'll have a friend who thinks it's awesome or thinks its funny, but Veronica, my whole family they all think it's dumb...and I love it!

It's just like my long hair when I had it for that 3+ years. My mom didn't like it at all, lol, and my dad didn't care. Veronica liked my long hair because that's how she knew me. My friends all thought it looked like shit too ;-) lol, but I loved it, and I still do. Everyone told me, "You're going to look back on your wedding photos and wish you didn't have that hair!" and I can honestly tell them that will never be the case. I loved my long hair and I was sad to see it go. I will forever look back on those pictures and the first year of Kaia's life and be glad I had my long hair :-) Right Doug? Though I do have to admit, Doug's long hair looks better than mine EVER did...but like I said, I loved it, and I don't care! :-)

I had to cut it off for the last play of my college career, and I did it. Then I grew it back :-D And I loved it again. Veronica liked me with my short hair and dind't really want me to grow it back, but didn't care that much. Then she liked it long again...I got some friends converted that second time to liking it long again, for some reason it grew a little different the second time and curled into me as it got longer and it looked pretty good...well to me! LOL

Then...I had to cut it again, for another show, and I did. After that I knew it wouldn't be pretty if I tried to grow it back, and I didn't have the patience, so I went the opposite way and buzz short cut it and I've kept it that way and I love it this short because it's NO work at all, ever, and it's so great to not have to worry about my hair anymore!

Most people say, "Hahahahaha, you're going bald!" or something like that, but you kno what? I'm looking forward to being bald, you can't make fun of me, because I want to be bald...it's even less work, and it'll be a distinguished bald. So, folks, I'm well aware I'm going bald...and I love it!

But so, since I don't have my hair anymore, I have the "caterpillar." I had the "caterpillar" when I had my long hair too, but I kept it so I have that going for me, and I know no one else that has it, so that's good.

Oh, that brings up an interesting point...when I had long hair, I knew no one else that had long hair...I cut my hair and EVERYONE starts growing out their hair. All of a sudden people at college have long hair, friends from my graduating class at high school have long hair...I must be a trend setter ;-)

I bet everyone is just waiting for me to cut the caterpillar for good so they can grow out theirs! LOL. Now I say cut it "for good" because I have to cut it every damn time I'm in a show, but I always grow it right back out. It's in the process of being grown out right now, it's a slow process, but it'll get there again :-)

So...completing the circle...does anyone know where my shaver is?! I need it back because I don't like hair anywhere else on my face except the "caterpillar," especially the mustache...UGH...don't like that at all, oh, and the bottom of face/top of neck area...that just looks gross.

By the way, does anyone know how HARD it is to shave around this huge adam's apple?! No...I don't think you do!


Enjoyed a lot! » » »

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