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Tuesday, April 04, 2006 

Finally I figured something out in Photoshop...with a little help

Thank you SOOOOO much Liberal Banana!!! I just found your blog, and she's really hilarious and a good read so check her out, and I was skimming through past posts seeing that she's very adept at Photoshop and found a post of hers that said EXACTLY what I've wanted to know how to do for a long time now. Take a picture and make part of it stay colored while the rest is grayscale.

And I followed her instructions and on the third try, I got it!

As you all know, me being somewhat of a graphic designer, I am frustrated that I don't know photoshop (was NOT taught it at all in college) and I learn best from teaching, though I can teach myself quite a bit with the right time, and I don't have money to go to classes. SO this is awesome. Now I just need to figure out how to select things better. I used the "magic wand tool" to select my daughter, but it selected in small chunks that seemed to make no sense and while holding the shift key down I did manage to select most of her with the magic wand, but as you can see it's not perfect.

But, nonetheless, it's much better than what I could...which was nothing. I couldn't figure it out. Now I know!


I like the look of the b/w with a little color too on some shots, if done well.

looks like you are getting a hand on it!

Hey congrats! I'm so glad I could help you out. If you want to know how to do anything else, just email me and I may be able to give you some instructions! :)

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