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Friday, March 17, 2006 

There's probably so much to say...

Rehearsals are going good! for the most part. My voice is really tired and it hasn't been performing to expectations (for me anyway) and it's really frustrating me. However, for the most pasrt, I'm still doing pretty good. Last night I had choir rehearsal too, and so I sang pretty much from 5:30-9. My voice was shot at nine and is still today. Good thing I don't have to sing until Monday again. Then only for about an hour on Monday.

I am absolutely in LOVE with my part. The Baker is the glue that holds the show together. He learns so much, he teaches lessons, he has such beautiful songs and he's complex...not as complex as the Baker's Wife, but he's complex. He is the focus of the show, and you just couldn't ask for a better part. I'm so excited to explore this part more and grow into it as we go on.

Into the Woods music is SO hard. It's Sondheim for crying out loud! And you theatre people know that's all I need to say. He writes the hardest rhythms, the hardest notes, the hardest words. His scores and books are legendary. He is, in my opinion, and many others, the foremost composer...the greatest musical theatre ocmposer of all time...and he's still alive!! I've talked about him before, so I wont go into it this time.

I've wanted to be in this show since I was about 16 years old and I'm so excited now! The rest of the cast is really talented as well. Some in their own ways, but most of them extremely talented singers which is fantastic! If we can work hard and buckle down this show can be off-the-wall good.

Work, is work, I don't talk about it on here. It's the #1 busy time at work, just hard to explain, but basically working non-stop to get ready for these schools we have with tons of people going to that need lots of stuff. Four schools over a month time and it's not over until the middle of next month.

WHICH, is why I'm not in Washington right now. V and K left Tuesday for Washington because her grandfather passed away suddenly. He was a great man, he was so nice and so giving and I loved spending time with him when we were out there or when him and her grandma came into town. He will be missed.

So, I have the place to myself until Monday night. Have since Tuesday. How did I celebrate? Tuesday I dropped them off, worked, came over and went to rehearsal until 9:30pm. Then watched some TV and went to bed. Wednesday I worked then went to my sister's house until about 10:45pm then had to drive home, got home about 11:15pm, watched some TV in bed and went to bed. Thursday I went right to choir from work and then right to rehearsal from choir and got home about 9:30pm. Did some dishes, watched some TV and went to bed. Tonight? Going home from work...watching TV, cleaning some, watching a movie called "Waiting" and then going to bed. The kicker for Saturday is sleeping in! I know, I know, settle down Lars...right? Yeah! I know!

Other than that having some big money problems, so dealing with that...but oh well.

And that is a small nutshell of what is going on in my life. I DO know that people that I was unaware of now read my blog...which sucks. Luckily I've pretty much been censoring myself from the get go so not too much incriminating is on here.


I knew you would like the baker... and I think you have his 'part' down. Sorry to hear about V's grandpa, and that work is so busy that you couldn't go with them.

As far as people reading your blog - welcome to my world.

Have a great week! Fantastagirl (who is so green with envy that you get to sleep in...)

That's the problem with blogging: everything you put up here can turn "public" at a moments notice. Even if you didn't write anything secret, you do feel suddenly "exposed" when you find out that your private thoughts and feelings are being read by people whom you wouldn't normally open up to.

Mmmm I understand the 'reading my blog' thing.

That is why I am on my third site. ;)

Hey Ms. Maybe So, you are suppose to e-mail me and tell me about the pregnancy!!

Meritt -- third site? You mean I didn't find you until your third site?

Oh and Fantastagirl...I went ot bed at 2am last night and slep until 1pm this afternoon...it was SO NICE! :-D

Lars, that RAWKS! I was in the first non-Broadway troupe licensed to do it, back in 1991. The Baker is easily the best part in the show, with the witch coming in a close second. I was Cinderella's Prince Charming, which was more fun than a man oughta be allowed to have.

No need to be afraid, there
(your wife is in the glade, there!)

Nice Badpatty! Cinderella's Prince was one of the parts I was shooting for too, it's so much fun! I'm so excited for ITW.

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