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Friday, August 26, 2005 


Audition went fine, I got in. So that's exciting. Rehearsals start Thursday and it'll be great to sing in a choir again. Especially great that it's an auditioned choir, so you know, no unfortunate singers that sometimes join community choirs :-) The only bad thing about this choir is you have to have a black tux. I don't have a black tux!! She said a lot of the guys just went to the formal wear stores and bought a used one they were selling...I still don't want to do that.

Veronica's auditions went well. She auditioned for "James and the Giant Peach" and "The Pavilion" and got a callback for both. She can't do the callback for "James and the Giant Peach" because she has to friggin' work! But she got what seems like a special call back during the afternoon in the director's office just for "The Pavilion" which has 3 male roles and 1 female role. So, she auditioned for the female role, and then she was sitting waiting to audition for "James and the Giant Peach" and the stage manager of "The Pavilion" came out and said the director wanted to hear her for the Narrator, which is a male role than can be played by a female, so she got that part and was sitting and going through it before going back in, and the assistant director (who is a friend of both of ours and was in the dinner theatre with us last year) came out and told her the director wanted to hear her for Cherry, the female role, again instead! Which is good! Veronica said she didn't feel like she read the role very well and Adam, the assistant director said that she did but that the director didn't feel a connection and oops, he probably shouldn't have told her that! lol. so that was cool. So she went back in and did it, and better with a connection, and the director said much better and that she wanted to see her again tomorrow.

So, I HOPE SHE GETS IT!! That would rock. In fact, I hope she gets both shows, James and the Giant Peach would be great to take Kaia too and see Mommy in. :-)