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Tuesday, April 19, 2005 

Night time!

Hey, it's working and I feel great!

Kaia for the past two nights has gone RIGHT to sleep. What is up with that?! It's amazing though. Sunday night V took the night time rituals, and last night was me and for both of us she was a perfect angel! She gets rewarded...a sticker on the calander and sometimes a little pretty (lip gloss) or something we have stashed away for special times up in our closet. :-) It just makes me so happy :-) She always makes me smile and just really brings me up whenever I'm down, she is just the best ever I can't explain how much I love that girl. But you just love them SOOO much more when they listen to you and do what they're suppose to! LOL. She's my little princess :-) We try and raise her the best possible with the pleases and thank yous and manners and all and listening and doing what she's told all the good stuff and I hope we find out in a couple years (when little girls really hit the snotty little girl phase) that we ended up doing a pretty good job. She's such a sweet little girl, I honestly miss her every second I'm not with her.

So, night time is working for 2 days straight! Whoever has wood near them please knock on it :-)