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Monday, December 20, 2004 

That's it...

I quit
Throwing in the towel
Splash some cold water on me I'm done

I couldn't get to sleep last night, so I am TIRED, which makes me bitchy, but today has stressed me out so much that when I'm stressed I get tired and cranky, so it's friggin multiplied itself over and over.

I get to work today and find out I didn't win the contest at work.

There was a contest to name the conference rooms at the new building we're moving to. There were 8 of them, and you had to have a theme. You could submit as many as you wanted. The prizes were $250 in mall gift card for 1st, $100 for 2nd and $50 for 3rd. Wow! Better enter this contest...so I did. I submitted about 25 different themes.

Did I win ANY of the places?! HELL NO. Who got 1st? Friggin state supervisor for MINNESOTA...oh yeah, that'll come in handy for HIM. I had so many good themes, I can't remember them all. I don't feel like explaining anything else, so let's just say that sucks.


My co-worked told me today that she gave her two week notice. Yup, she's done. I'm all by myself, not knowing what I'm doing in a job I despise. Her and I work the MPCI claims reporting center...she's been here 7 years and has lived and worked on a farm her whole life. She knows the answer to everything and knows how FMH does it and when to do things. She's leaving...just me now. I can handle myself when she's gone for a week or two, I sorta know what I'm doing...but she's leaving period now. I've been here 2 years, they say it takes 3-5 just to know what you're doing and then this MPCI business is changing so much that you're lost anyway.

This is all after I've been trying to find a job for 2+ years now. Granted, I'm not trying to find a crop insurance job like her, but still. This friggin company has turned me down for 2 jobs that I was qualified for and gave one to the girl that deserved it the least, ah, I'm so pissed about that still. The other one they gave to a TEMP. I don't feel like explaining this any further either. Let's just say I'm...in a nutshell...no word for it...fucked.

So........................................I quit. BUT WAIT oh, shit, I can't...we're poor, I need this job and every other job I apply for I don't get...so I can't quit...great. If I could, believe me, I'd give 2 weeks today too, and then just have the luxury of looking for another job, but I don't have that luxury. So I'm being the good dad and the good husband and bucking up some more. I'm just not being the good Lars or the good employee right now and I'm sulking and being pissed off and just working all day long, no talking, no anything, because...I don't feel like talking to anyone at work right now.

I don't get stressed...but I am right now.

I'm supposed to be at the grocery store... but I'm finding every available excuse NOT to go spend money on food of all things, so I hopped online. Good thing I did.

OK... so:
1) Sorry re; the contest.
2) Sorry those jobs went to boob people instead of brain people.
3) Does the head honchos know that she put in her 2 week yet? Can you all talk about it yet? Because...

I'm thinking you will either get a promotion... into her position (more money) OR they hire another 'her' and you keep doing your normal job. Nothing much has changed.

Do you know what THEIR plans are yet????

Phew! Sorry for the rant in the original post, I'm just frustrated.

We basically work together, we have the same job, we just split up the duties and she does the hard stuff and I do the easy stuff. We have the same job titles, and she just gets paid more because she's been here longer, so there's no place for me to be promoted too.

I've already heard they want to hire another 'her' but have no other 'her' to hire. They want someone with experience, but don't have anyone.

Basically it's not looking good, but, I don't know what's going on yet, so who knows right now, I guess...

And, me blah blah blah, ignore this if you want to, it just all comes down to me not being happy with my job in the first place and wanting a new job and I can't get one and all that junk...same 'ol same 'ol

but her leaving is certainly adding to the stress.

I just gotta think, something good is coming my way, it's been a while, so something good has got to be coming my way...but, thanks for listening to me vent.

Strange that I didn't hear any of this at work! When is L's last day?

It is technically the 30th, but she's taking that day off, so the 29th.

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