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Tuesday, December 21, 2004 

It drives me nuts...

Sorry to get into this again, but it drives me NUTS!

The temp they hired for the "Special Projects" position has been for the past week sitting over there and doing the FMH newsletter. Laying it out, etc. etc.

Fine, whatever, don't think I can do the web work you want done, fine, sure, I think I could do it with just a little training, but ok. Fine. But don't hire some temp to do it and then not have him do it. He's sitting over there designing the newsletter...I CAN DO THAT. If you would let me have that job I could do a good job and get experience on my resume for a future job I keep trying to get. THEN, I'd have web experience too. I can sit at my home and do web and designing until the cows come home (and I don't, because I don't have time at home...which I realize is bad and sucks) but it's not going to do me any good because they want WORK experience, not home with your thumb up your ass experience.

DON'T hire someone with 1/4 the experience and expertise that I have to do a job that I want and was trained to do dammit.

Even having that job to design one damn newsletter is still work experience for my future. Shit, who knows, if the job gets good, maybe I'll stay with FMH. You sure as hell better bet I'm not staying now. I'll do this job I have now and I'll do it good and I'll pretend I"m enjoying it, because I do enjoy most of the people, but as SOON as I can leave, I'm outta here. I've felt this way since day one because I spent all that money on education and I'm working a job a high schooler could have...SERIOUSLY. AGH! But now you turn me down for two jobs that I can do and went to college for, to a one year college drop out who was in friggin FASHION, and a temp, and my co-worker is leaving me...oh, I REALLY want out of here now.

Sorry to be a downer again, but this is affecting me big time, and it bothers me and y'all are my friends...ah, the price of friendship ;-)