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Tuesday, October 05, 2004 

I can't think of a catchy title this morning...

Yay! What a way to start the day…waking up about 20 minutes late…ugh…

So, I have some frustrations with our morning process that don’t ever seem to get resolved, which makes it even more frustrating…but I can’t figure out any way to handle it, because anytime I complain, or nicely suggest or bring it up, it just goes in one ear, she gives me her reasoning, and then it goes back out the other ear and she forgets it ever happens, without trying to compromise in any way shape or form to actually help me out in a pinch, no matter if it’s my pinch or not, shouldn’t make a difference, I would hope we have that kind of relationship. BUT, alas, I shouldn’t let it out here, and I wont, I will just let it brew inside of me, like everything else, for the rest of my life, let it keep happening over and over and do nothing about it, because, like I said, whenever I say anything it makes no difference anyway…

I’m here at work, I was but three minutes late…which means, don’t tell your friends, I was bookin’ it on the interstate today! I got from hitting the interstate in Ames to my desk in Des Moines in 33 minutes. Not too shabby…

I’m really hungry…

Like my blogger friend Meritt, I wish I could wake up in the morning and have something nice to drink…I love the homemade hot chocolate we have, and I could drink that puppy on the way to work, but I didn’t wake up in time to do that this morning remember? ;-) I long to have some sort of morning where I’m not rushed and I can do what I need, grab something to eat…who knows, just something normal and adult like.

CHILD BREAKTHROUGH:: probably not, but hey, it’s blogger worthy! Last night my child went to bed at 9, like usual, got up only about 4 times :-o and then was asleep in ONE hour, with only listening to one CD and about 3 minutes of another one!! HA!! WOOHOOOOO!! I can’t believe it, she is such a sweetie, man I love her to death…I really do, she makes my day everyday.

Now folks, you have to understand, usually it’s bed at 9 then we pop in a small veggie tales video, about 40 min. long (now don’t judge me until you know what we’ve been through that led us to decide to pop in a video for her, and you don’t, so don’t judge me) and hopefully she goes to sleep during that, but it hadn’t been working this past MONTH, and then after that’s over no more movies, and she gets to listen to the cute bible lullaby CDs she has and she has to go to bed, but she’s suppose to go to bed during her movie, and she was, but like I said, not recently. So from the 9 o’clock bedtime it’s about 2 or 2 ½ hours of getting up and going to the bathroom, needing a Kleenex, forgetting hugs and kisses (even though we never forget those…just one of her excuses, and we always give her more because who can get enough of hugs and kiss? Not me I tell ya) and needing a cuddle toy, deciding she’s hungry, wanting to sleep in her tent, you see what I’m getting at here, and then after more of those than we probably should, it’s “If you get out of bed again I’m closing the door (for 5 minutes)” and she doesn’t like that so she tries hard not to get out of bed, but invariably she always does, and then she finally conks out. PHEW!

BUT NOT LAST NIGHT!! :-) :-) I said no movie, just music, and she got out of bed a couple times, but she was asleep in one hour. Oh sweet release, she went to bed like a so-called normal child, and I say that because I know I’m not the only one dealing with this, I can’t be!

Ahhh, mornings. Doug calls me the "bed kicker-outer". My alarm goes off at 7am & I'm up. Let the dog out, make coffee for Doug (I'm a tea person meself, ahhh, Irish Breakfast). I listen for the shower to kick on. If it doesn't I send Toby, all 100 furry pounds of him, up to wake Doug. Some days I even make a nice, hot breakfast-to-go for Doug. Other days it's a muffin, for variety. I figure I should do something- he works, I stay home. It's mostly fair. :)

Jody, Jody, Jody...you need to come over and rub all over Veronica...wait, that sounded wrong...you need to come over and talk to Veronica, maybe you can knock some good morning vibes on to her...hell, me too! :-)

Maybe, just maybe, a 100 lb. dog is the trick...hhmmmm

Yes, I have a rough life!

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