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Tuesday, March 15, 2005 

A New Suit and some Mother F*&*#$$@ Ties

I bought a new suit today. Well, new, but it is my first one ever!! I love it, and it looks good on me :-) I am singing in a wedding this weekend and I sing in two more before the year is over, I've always wanted a suit, now I have one!

I had every intention of taking a picture of myself to show y'all, but it all comes down to the tie...

I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TIE A TIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Veronica doesn't know how.

I look on 3 different web sites that teach you and I can't DO IT. I got close once, but I got so frustrated I swore a bunch and threw the tie across the room.


I want to be able to tie it, wear it, then untie it until the next time because it's not good for ties to stay tied. But right now that's all I can do because after I get a tie tied I don't untie it because I don't know how to RE-tie it.

I know if I ask my dad to teach me then we'll both just get frustrated with each other and end up yelling and being pissed. But I must do it anyhow because I need to know.

I just never tried to learn because it's too hard (even though I KNOW it's extremely easy). I just let people do it for me.

I'm such a loser.

Keep up the good work »

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