I feel like I have so much to say!
There are things I remember I wanted to say earlier but forgot to. There are things from this weekend I want to talk about. There is some controversial stuff that I'll never utter on this blog and there's some other stuff I know I'm forgetting already.
The Past that I forgot:
Have you seen the movie Saw? Well, if you haven't, I'd suggest it!!! Damn was that movie good. I saw it two weekends ago. It isn't gory scary, it's just more thriller and twisted, f'ed up sort of movie. I watched it really late, of course, and when the movie was over I thought...well, f'ed up movie, very good, but I don't think I'll ever need to see that again. Then I woke up the next morning and thought....wow, I kind of think I wouldn't mind owning that movie so I can watch it again and show it to people who haven't seen it! Some wicked crazy plot twist in that movie.
The Present:
I'm sick. Darnit all. Whatever Kaia and V had they gave to me. I just got over being sick for a month. I got through the worst of it Saturday...and for some reason I threw up Saturday at 6:15am...I never throw up and I dind't really feel like I needed to, but I woke up and ran to the bathroom and did. Somehow my body must have known I needed to.
Oscars: Yeah...so I like them. I know it's "cool" to not like them and to hate Hollywood and all that, but so what. I like celebrities, I like movies, I like hot women and cool guys. I watched all of the Oscars with my wife and my mom and dad. We had a good time. I don't really care too much for Chris Rock, but some of the stuff he said was funny. Especially "Now next is the only woman to ever breast-feed an apple." In reference to Gwenyth Paltrow. I thought it was dumn of Sean Penn to go up there and defend Jude Law...it was just a stupid poke by Chris Rock, who cares? I still think Jude Law is a good actor, and no one takes the hosts jokes seriously, you just laugh and move on. I think Hilary Swank has some really nice boobies...even if her face does look a bit like a guy. Natalie Portman can still be my sex buddy, I'd have no problem with that. Some nice speeches, nothing really to comment on there. Samuel L. Jackson is one bad mofo, he's the shit. Morgan Freeman is awesome too. I haven't seen: The Aviator, Million Dollar Baby, Hotel Rwanda, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Finding Neverland, Ray, POTO... oh wait, I haven't seen ANY of the movies yet...so that sucks.
SO many movies I need/want to see still.
Damn Iowa State...why can't you just hold on to the lead?!
Kansas...that was a good game! Now, see, I don't care about basketball at all, but I do watch Iowa State play. After that my dad and I were looking at what else was on and the Kasas game was on and he said, "Oh, that'll be a good game." So since there was nothing else on I watched it. He fell asleep, and that sucks because it was a good game and I would have liked to yell at the TV with him for that game, but it was a good one!
Controversial Stuff:
Nope...I don't think so.
Stuff I Have Forgotten Already:
Yeah...exactly...I can't remember...
The Past that I forgot:
Have you seen the movie Saw? Well, if you haven't, I'd suggest it!!! Damn was that movie good. I saw it two weekends ago. It isn't gory scary, it's just more thriller and twisted, f'ed up sort of movie. I watched it really late, of course, and when the movie was over I thought...well, f'ed up movie, very good, but I don't think I'll ever need to see that again. Then I woke up the next morning and thought....wow, I kind of think I wouldn't mind owning that movie so I can watch it again and show it to people who haven't seen it! Some wicked crazy plot twist in that movie.
The Present:
SO many movies I need/want to see still.
Controversial Stuff:
Nope...I don't think so.
Stuff I Have Forgotten Already:
Yeah...exactly...I can't remember...