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Friday, January 14, 2005 

This Week's Most Groundbreaking Announcements!

I made it to work on TIME!

This whole week I've taken Kaia to daycare, which normally isn't a problem but it does involve driving about 15 minutes total to and from out of my way, but the traffic in and around Des Moines has bee atrocious! I mean, just awful. Bumper to bumper, stand-still, piece of horse patooey traffic. So, I've been 15 minutes late every morning.

This morning, traffic moving right along at a brisk pace...what the hell?! Why today? It doesn't make any sense and I hate that I have to take my PTO because the traffic is so fucked up. I used an hour of PTO just on being late this week.

But here I am, 8:00 am, ON TIME! :-)

Oh, and I got a new phone for our apartment last night because our other one SUCKS, so it should be all charged up and I'll wonder how this one performs, maybe I'll have to call Veronica and have her switch out the phones and let me know how it goes.

OH, and Kaia last night, wow. I gave her a bath, then she wanted to finish her mini M&M's, so I let her, and then I read her a book and put her in bed and covered her up. I turned on her Wizard of Oz soundtrack, got her some new water, shut off the light and said goodnight I love you and gave her a kiss. I left the room and never heard from her again. That has to be about the first time ever! What an amazing thing putting a child in bed and they stay there and actually go to sleep!

Oooo... Kaia goes to bed without a hassle for the first time in years and you get to work on time and no traffic. Life is Good.

Life is good Meritt :-)

ej...sounds like we are going through the same things! Though I just carry a sleeping child out to the car, I don't wake her up at 7 in the morning, easier that way! We tried the waking up and putting clothes on thing, didn't work well at all, so daycare lady lets us bring her in her jammies. It's in home daycare, so it'd no big deal.

We are NOT morning people either, ej! Oh, and yes the Guthrie is in MNPLS. Been there a couple times, very nice theatre with some A+ talent. They bring in some real stars. I just don't get to get up there too often at all, time wise and money wise it's tough to do!

Oh, J, don't worry about it. I was noting the accomplishment because it NEVER happens. It is one of the main things I complain about right now, lol. She does everything in her might to not go to bed. I could talk for days on what she does and what we go through every night! Some nights are ok, but long, some nights are hell, and long.

That's why last night was so weird. It's also weird that when it's just me putting her to bed she's less frustrating then when it's the both of us trying to put her to bed.

I'm sure it's something V and I are doing wrong...

i used to babysit this little boy every tuesday night while his parents went to a bible study, and he was teh worst go-to-bedder i've ever seen. anyways, finally one night i was sooo fed up that i sat him down at the table, gave him a coloring book and crayons and told him he could stay up until his parents got home and then he could explain to them himself that he was too naughty to go to bed. so he did, and they spanked him for being disobedient, and i really felt i had triumphed that day. haha.

Ha! That's fantastic Kris.

hey now, my girl has the will of steel like you wouldn't believe, you need to share the info! I have tried everything, I guarantee you, just try me, I bet I tried it!

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