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Friday, February 04, 2005 

More daycare stupidity


There is a little chinese baby by the name of Morgan that goes to the same in-house daycare my daughter goes to. Her dad is PARANOID.

"Morgan says she's thirsty a lot on her way home...are you not giving her anything to drink?!"
"I would not like the TV on in the same room as Morgan for more than 20 minutes because of the ultra rays (or something?) that come the TV."
"I noticed this.."
"I don't like that..."

Just paranoid to beat hell.

Well.....this brings me to this morning.

Mr. Paranoid noticed yesterday that Kaia's eyeball is a little red. It's even just in the white part of the eye, not around it, Kaia says it doesn't itch, she says it doesn't hurt, there's no pussing or flaking or anything.

We have to keep Kaia home today because of Mr. fucking Paranoid.

Our daycare provider doesn't even LIKE him. She says he annoys her to no end and he wont ever shut up and nothing is good enough for him, BUT we have to keep Kaia home today and we still have to pay her for today.

What kind of deal is THAT?!

I'm pissed off as hell...this daycare place, it's good for Kaia I guess, she has people to play with, they do lots of good activities, very cheap compared to others. There are just so many little things that bug the PISS out of me. But Veronica likes it, she doesn't want to leave, she doesn't like some of the stupid ass rules either, but not enough to change daycares like me...


And if she tries to make us pay her for the 2 weeks she's taking off because her daughter is having a baby and we have to find someone else to pay for those 2 weeks, then I'm going to give her hell (but the sad thing is I actually wont because I'm a big pushover pussy who doesn't like confrontation and who can never stand up for himself in front of people...).