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Wednesday, February 02, 2005 

Balls in my Throat

Get your mind out of the gutter!

On my way to work this morning I'm going my usual 75-80 mph and I pass a state trooper who is going the other way, I watch, he doesn't turn around.


Then about 2 minutes later I see a car behind me, but with the headlights on I can't tell what it is. There is a big gap between me and people behind me, so, since I speed I'm always conscious of who is around me so I don't get caught.

Well, I knew I should slow down since I didn't know who was behind me and it could very well be a cop. I do slow a little bit, but the chances are very slim, so I'm still speeding.

All of a sudden I think I can see a bar of lights on top of the car, and I'm going around 75 and in the left lane. I have to slow down to around 70 for a car in front of me, which is good, because the car behind me turns out to be a state trooper!

At this point my balls are about in my throat because I dont want a speeding ticket and I just saw Monday that my registration expired 1-31-05 (which, what do I do about that? I"m sure I got some renewal thing somewhere that I don't have anymore, so now what do I do?).

So the guy in front of me that I had slowed down for is now in the right lane and now I'm passing this semi in the right lane and I'm passing it at about 70 mph and the trooper just comes up on my ass, like breathing down my neck.

Shit...he is checking out my sticker on my liscense plate...he is going to pull me over I KNOW he is...he's just waiting for me to get in the right lane so he can pull me over.

Finally I pull in to the right lane and the state trooper just goes speeding past me...


"Thank you God."